I've just recently started my Masters in Psychology research at the University of Birmingham. This also happens to be the same university where I did my undergraduate degree in psychology, as I decided I loved studying here so didn't fancy moving somewhere new.
It's been great fun so far, settling back into campus and getting my head around my new course, but I have to admit I've been feeling oh so jealous of the new freshers. Not only do I suddenly feel super old, but it makes me want to rewind and go back to 2009 when it was my turn to be a fresher. By far it was one of the best years of my life. I was lucky enough to love the people I lived with in my halls and loved everything about my course, the uni itself and all the wonderful people I met. However, watching the new students get lost and trying to find their way around got me thinking of so many things I felt like I wanted to say to them, that I wish someone had said to me back then. So I decided to write a letter to my fresher self pointing out the things I know now, but wish I had known then:
Dear Beth,
1. Throw yourself into EVERYTHING. You never know until you try something!
2. Don't be afraid to be YOU - that's what makes people so much more interesting.
3. Work hard - everyone says first year doesn't count, but YES it really does, so treat it like final year.
4. Play hard - even when you think you're too tired or can't be bothered to make an effort. This year will go so fast and before you know it you'll have graduated and entered the big, wide world of work (yuck!) so play whilst you have the chance.
5. Appreciate every moment with your friends. Once you've graduated, it's so hard keping in touch with everyone. People move far away, some go travelling, some move on to new friends, so you will never again have this group of friends all in one place. Savour it.
6. Don't be afraid to put yourself forward for things. The more you do this, the easier it will become when you're working full time and trying to make a good impression.
7. Get as much experience as possible. It's never too early to start getting work experience, voluntary experience and temporary jobs. It will all add to your CV later and you'll be massvely grateful that you did it now rather than leaving it too late.
8. Don't assume you're going to find Mr Right during university. Yes some students do, but not everyone does, so don't force yourself to go actively searching hoping he'll be round the corner. Let love come to you in its own time.
9. Don't get yourself too stressed out over exams or coursework that don't score top marks. It's frustrating, deflating and sucks your enthusiasm quicker than a mosquito, but it gives you a chance to act upon it and improve for next time. Treat it as a learning curve, take a breath and focus on the next project.
10. Remember to look after yourself during term time. Getting so drunk you stumble into a taxi alone is not cool and not safe.